Check out these great sites where you can meet other Couples, Single Females and Single Men! Try all three for FREE and create a quality profile, upload photos and start making connections for after the pandemic!
Just click on each image to get bonus free time that can only be applied through our link!
Kasidie the sexually social community – We use Kasidie all the time and our profile is TomandBunny on this site, Kasidie is nationwide and offers the feel of social media like Facebook with communities, forums, Profiles, Wall post and much more to list here. Join today and you will be automatically added to our TomandBunny Community on this awesome site! 30 days free access with no Credit Card needed. SDC is one of the Largest Match Maker websites for Swingers in the world and has a reach in many countries around the globe. Be sure to join our community “TomandBunny” when creating your profile on this website. To obtain your FREE 30 day access you MUST click this image. without clicking this image, SDC only offers 7 day trials.
SLS Swinglifestyle Free access No Credit Card Needed We have been on SwingLifestyle for many years, it’s very easy to navigate, nationwide, basic no frills profiles that list everything on a single screen with photo galleries and the ability to see a profiles certifications. Join today with no Credit Card needed with limited full access, the site is cost effective to open the full features and worth every penny.
Check out these great sites where you can meet other Couples, Single Females and Single Men! Try all three for FREE and create a quality profile, upload photos and start making connections for after the pandemic! Just click on each image to get bonus free time that can only be applied through our link!
Kasidie the sexually social community – We use Kasidie all the time and our profile is TomandBunny on this site, Kasidie is nationwide and offers the feel of social media like Facebook with communities, forums, Profiles, Wall post and much more to list here. Join today and you will be automatically added to our TomandBunny Community on this awesome site! 30 days free access with no Credit Card needed. SDC is one of the Largest Match Maker websites for Swingers in the world and has a reach in many countries around the globe. Be sure to join our community “TomandBunny” when creating your profile on this website. To obtain your FREE 30 day access you MUST click this image. without clicking this image, SDC only offers 7 day trials.
SLS Swinglifestyle Free access No Credit Card Needed We have been on SwingLifestyle for many years, it’s very easy to navigate, nationwide, basic no frills profiles that list everything on a single screen with photo galleries and the ability to see a profiles certifications. Join today with no Credit Card needed with limited full access, the site is cost effective to open the full features and worth every penny.
Heidi ho neighbors. I knew you’re going to do that. That’s why I sat back. I didn’t say a word. Hey everyone, you’re listening to Tom bunny here. This is take number two because she cut me off last time and I wasn’t prepared. I’m the one that does the introduction. All right. So bunny wants to do the introduction this time.
So we recently put out. I request that we’re looking for content and we’re getting a lot of responses and we just did one. And now this one is we were going a couple two into this one. So a lot of people are saying that when they see advertisements, they are concerned that they’re going to be too old.
Are they’re not going to measure up to the people in the advertisements. And a lot of people think that the picture on the advertisement, it’s an actual member of the club. Maybe, maybe not. Okay. So give you an example. When we were at a club in California, we first started using all the stock photo sites.
And of course, we’re going to download the, the model type pictures because I to that’s what you want. You want your website to look its absolute best. Right? So they grabbed, um, these nice. Model photography photos that they can use. I, because I’m trying to, I don’t want to offend anyone. I just. Right. So if I sound politically incorrect, I do apologize.
However, yes. When you look at a restaurant menu and you see this gorgeous food, and then when you order it and you come and you open the box, it looks similar, but nothing like. The picture. Okay. So that’s the same way his clubs do it. Hotels do it by making these rooms, they take a picture when the room is brand spanking new, well, 10 years down the road, they’re still using that same room, but now it looks 10 years down the road.
When you walk into it, same with people. So with that said, yes, a lot of clubs are going to use. What they want to project as what they would like as their member base, because let’s be honest, me and bunny aren’t in that younger group no more. So therefore, if we’re looking at pictures, are we going to go to a club with pictures of people our age?
Are we going to go to a club where we see a acute younger couple. Well, we’re going to go to the club that has the cute younger couple, because they’re going to attract a wide array of members where if we go to the club, that projects our specific age, we’re only going to meet people in our specific age group.
And we’re not just looking for our age group. We, we do want people in our age group, but we don’t want to close our minds to younger. No, absolutely, absolutely not. And. I forgot where I was going with this. Okay. So I’ll keep going. So what I used to do was use the model picture, and again, these are unscripted, so forgive us and we get a subject and we just start talking and then we do lose a train of thought.
So I started using our actual members. I would give them a comp pass to come out on a Saturday just to show up. I mean, that’s an $80 come. I tell them, bring all their outfits. And then we take pictures all day long. I had two photographers, two backdrops, and it was literally people that came to our club.
And then at the end of the day, they got a copy of all the pictures and their cute outfits from professional photographers. But. They only had white backgrounds. Cause that’s what I wanted. Unfortunately, they didn’t have all the backdrops and everything, but if I used a pitcher, I would give them a, yet another $80 VIP pass and I would never use the same picture twice.
So I had a constant. Collage of pictures to go through. So these people were earning passes residually for coming to one model shoot. They might earn five, 10 passes over a year or two years time. And, but I did the model shoots every month and we would literally get calls all the time going are those actual club members?
And we’d say, yes, those are actual club members. Are they going to be there that night? Now? We wouldn’t say yes or no. They were going to be there. A lot of them were there, obviously because they’re getting free passes and they were. Patronizing our club all the time. But the fact is our numbers grew exponentially because we did truth in advertising.
We certainly did these girls, they would, and they loved to be on a, on a cover poster or on the website to them. It was like a little slice of, um, Being famous or being a top model for them, we’d give them a, we would print 18 by 24 posters, uh, big posters and put them all throughout the club to show what was coming up.
Well, when their theme would come, we would have 10 of those posters of that same picture. And we would do it every week with switch them out. They would take them all home and they would give them out. They would put them in their garage is almost like a. Like the tool company model pitcher on the clock or something.
We actually had a member who would ask the girls if they could have their pictures and they would sign them for him. And he had them hung up in their garage so much fun. Now I do know that Eden club there, they do model shoots. Matter of fact, they just posted like 90 pictures on their Facebook of their actual photo shoot.
Now. The girls that we took pictures of were an exact resemblance of what you could expect to see in our club. We had exotic dancers. I mean, very beautiful women. We had younger girls too. Older girls. We had all shapes all sizes and I’ll tell you why it was a very successful promotion that I did. Oh, absolutely.
It worked out very, very well. The customers, as well as the, um, the girls doing the show right now, some clubs only want a specific age group, 35 and under, well, obviously they’re only going to take pictures of the specific age group that they want. Some clubs want. 55 and older that you’re living silver clubs and they’re going to take pictures of older couples.
So, but, but Jordy, the clubs haven’t quite caught onto that. So they just go on the stock photo sites and download cutesy pictures and stuff like that. It’s not anything wrong with that. Yeah. They’re just showing you the theme are an example of the attire they want for the night. Correct. So don’t read into it.
If you’re going to a website and you’re looking in, you’re seeing exotic beauties, don’t read into it. You definitely want to go to that club and see what the patronage is. Our column, call the clubs specifically and say, Hey, we’re 45. Are we going to fit in your club? I always say, I really hate saying this, but some clubs specifically want a specific demographic.
They want, uh, as, as they call it a quality, a quality control. So they require their members to email on a pitcher for approval. One club was so hardcore that a pitcher got you an invite to the door. And once you got to the door, they gave you a second look and that determined if you got through the door or they told you to move on.
And to me, I would never, ever, ever recommend anyone emailing any club, a picture of you, because that’s really not in our minds. The lifestyle, the lifestyle is a very accepting and very giving. And, but if you want very exclusive. Go ahead now let’s backtrack because there are some clubs out there that have programs and you have to submit a picture to go into the membership base.
That’s only. So when you show up your picture shows up, so the person checking you in has going to verify that you’re with that person, correct? They’re not using it as an example of who they’re going to allow in or deny if they use the pitcher to allow in or deny. That you have to determine on your own.
If you want to go that route, I would, it’s like signing up for a credit card. Do you want to get rejected? I mean, that’s got to feel like a blow to the stomach. Back in the day, there was a, there was parties that were doing it. And even some of the people that I thought were super, super hot got turned down.
I’m like, what? But their requirements were so stringent. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right? So, um, now the age demographics that go to clubs, a lot of people that when they see these younger pictures, they think, Oh my God, these people are going to be 18 to 25. W we’re 45. I know we’re not 45. We’re just making up a number.
So we feel better, but they’re thinking they’re not going to fit in. Believe it or not at our club. Our club was 21 to 80. And I say that and people go 80. Yes, 80 years old. I think that there was a few times that we had older than that, older than that. And I’ll tell you what. Age is really just a number because when these 80 year old’s would come into the club, they were the life of the party because they had no shame in their game.
They came dressed in theme, they rocked it, they were on the dance floor and people gravitated them just because of their aura. I mean, they’re, they’re just love of the life. Exactly. Cause they’re just out to have a good time. Right. So age is just a number now, obviously when you’re playing. It’s not just a number.
You have to have an attraction. Well, most people, well, I would hope everybody, but that doesn’t mean, I mean, that everyone’s unattractive or everyone’s attractive. It’s really it all your tastes like me and bunny. We have our own taste and we’re attracted to, I don’t know, we call it just regular everyday.
Your neighbor next door. Nothing outlandish. No. Um, Well, they don’t have to drive Ferrari’s and they don’t have to trust them the latest fashion. We just, they just got to be able to communicate. I think number one is communication. So what that said, we did a recent poll. It’s a very scientific poll off of Twitter.
It’s completely scientific. We verified everybody that took the poll individually to verify with, well, no, we really didn’t. We didn’t care. We just throw up a poll and said, here’s the. Uh, the actual thing I wrote was help us out for a future YouTube video. What, what age group do you belong to? Really a simple.
Now Twitter only gives me four responses. The nice thing is it’s anonymous, so everyone can respond. I had to put something for the four responses. So I went 18 to 20. I did that because most clubs don’t allow people under 21 in, right. I just liked the fact that we actually have people that are following us that are between 18 and 21.1%.
So the poll is only 24 hours. I put it up late at night, so it really didn’t. And I put it up on a. Saturday. So most people have a life, so 87 people. So, but you know what, uh, usually when the poll starts going, it doesn’t really change dramatically. Once you get the first 10 responses, it literally grows about the same levels the whole time.
Yeah. What were you gonna say? I was going to say, plus, uh, typically the people that follow us are in the middle bracket. Well, I w R H demographic? Yeah. Okay. So, uh, 21 to 34, uh, 9.2% 35 to 55. And I know that’s 20 year gap, uh, 66.7%. And 56 and over is 23%. We’ve been running clubs for 20 years. We’ve been doing lifestyle travel for three years.
We absolutely knew without even doing the poll. The average age of the lifestyle is 35 to 55 with the meat and potatoes about 45 years old. Correct. And then running a club and running the club and the traveling, especially about the meat and potatoes about 45. Cause that’s about the age where people are starting to feel comfortable about leaving their children at home by themselves.
Right. So then they’re starting to venture out more on a weekend or, you know, a week. Yep. So. Again, the clubs that are showing and we’re getting, I mean, obviously this is off of our Twitter and therefore it’s going to be our followers. If we were like a young swinger group, the average age would probably be 21 to 35.
Correct. So, but I think. Uh, our Twitter kind of gravitates to everybody. So we’re not really down. We’re not locked into a certain age group except for shows. We are 35 and you know what? There, there are a lot of clubs out there now, too. And we’ve gone. We just went over this on another video. There are clubs that specialize too for the BBWs.
There are some that specialized for the ultra hot ones, right? And you know what? You, no matter where you’re going to go, you’re going to find what you’re looking for. But for the most part, any club that you go to or any house party that you go to, it’s going to be your average everyday person. Correct.
Now don’t take the numbers. For instance, we have been to many, many parties, many events where. Again, it’s not the age. It’s the attraction. We have far seen our share of 60 year old hooking up with mid late 20 year old’s. And the late, mid, late 20 year old’s love the six year old and they have their own reasons.
Right. But typically what we hear is they didn’t have to pussy foot around that they, the older couple were not as shy as the, their counterparts and the older women know what they like. Yeah, exactly. And that’s, a freak in the sheets. Yeah. So just you’re in the older group, don’t hesitate to go to a club and.
Not expect a younger, attractive couple are single to approach you. Right, right. But also if you’re a younger couple, don’t expect an older, creepy couple, like us not to come hit on you, the creepy people, whatever. I’m like, God, that’s horrible. It is horrible. But anyway, but at least you referred to us as older.
Exactly. I didn’t want to point fingers at anybody, you know, just kidding Lord have mercy. You’re out it tonight. I am. I am I having a good time? So I’m playing with my pump. Anyone know what this is? If you know what, this is, put a comment in the comments. Yeah, we are sober tonight. So it’s probably the problem that he has the problem.
So definitely yes, there is. There there’s different types of advertising. Not everyone needs to do truth in advertising. The more get, the more of the story is they’re just getting their point across, uh, if they want leopard print. Theme where they’re going to put a model with the leopard print and it just so happens.
They’re going to look for the most attractive model in leopard print to put on a poster or on an image to put on social media or on a website too. If you’re going to go to. To a re to a resort. Cause there’s a lot of resorts out there now, too. They’re going to have the absolute, best pictures that they can possibly get.
So you’re gonna, they’re going, I’ve seen a lot of them where they’ve got, um, you know, these hot, hot models laying around a nice pool. Exactly like that every day you go, right? We, I mean, we work for Tom’s trips and it’s an adult lifestyle travel and we go to resorts all over the nation and the world and those resorts always put up the smoking hot, hot models.
And our problem is, is our average age is 45. Average body size. Um, mommy bodies, dad, bod, stuff like that. Not typically your gym rats. And when I say gym rats, not a negative. I wish I could be a gym rat, but were lazy. So no excuse, no excuse, no. Excuse. We’re we’re lazy. But anyway. The hardest part of selling adult travel at a clothing optional, our nude resort is these people are looking at the resorts promotions and then questioning us of why they should book at that resort because they don’t think they’re going to fit in and we have to go, Oh dear God.
Now we have to explain to them that they are the. Normal person that, that resort sees that, that resort almost never, maybe one week a year might see those hard balls. Right. And that will be a specific group, very specific group, but all the other groups pretty much, as long as they could pay to go, we’ll sell them a ticket.
Absolutely. So, so it’s just call bunny. I mean, just, I understand this lifestyle, it’s very accepting. They’re very accepting of all ages on all shapes and sizes. It does not matter what background you come from. It doesn’t nothing matters. People just want to meet people. Exactly. So if you’re one of the couples that have been having hang-ups about going to a, a house party, a hotel party, a convention, a club, or.
Resort understand, no matter how much you weigh, how much you are, how old you are, how young you are or anything about you, you are going to meet your counterparts at those. Oh, absolutely. Like a friend of ours says there’s a lid to every pot. Yes. That that’s, that’s a great analogy. So definitely. No doubt.
Yeah. Venture out and be confident in your own skin and don’t overanalyze anything. And we just told you average ages 18 to 80 1880. I mean, we gave you meat, potatoes ages, but realistically in the lifestyle, it’s 18 to 80. And because of where we travel within the, the world, we’ve seen 18 year olds. Yes. Um, Typically the 18, the, the real, real, real young ones don’t even interact with the average people, which is totally fine.
And they have their own week anyways. Yes. All right. So truth in advertising. Yes. The pitcher’s perfectly fine. No matter what you see out there, it’s just, they’re trying to get across. A theme. It would be like a cake maker, throwing down a cake are actually designing a cake. They’re just trying to make it look appetizing.
Exactly. Yeah. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Yes. People say, well, there should be truth in advertising. Y Y there, there, there doesn’t have to be. Let’s go back to the Baker stage. They’re not going to put out their practice ones in the photo. Exactly. They’re going to put out there. Premium. Yeah. So don’t look at that.
Call the club. If you have any question, if you’re going to fit in, I guarantee you a club will be very upfront and honest with you. You call them up and say, I have a dad, bod, she has a mom bod, we’re both 45. Are we going to fit in there? Well, 99% of them will say, yes. There will be that time when you get a, yeah.
You might want to look around and they might even suggest other clubs because they’re in that same location. Absolutely. The club that would require pictures in turn people at the door, they would literally re recommend our club. Guess what? We opened our arms to them. We figured at our club, there was somebody for everybody at our club and it didn’t matter.
Absolutely. All right. So anything else to fill in? Nope. So if you have any comments, go ahead and put them below. Definitely a like, and subscribe to our videos. It definitely helps out if you don’t want to, like, it don’t like it, but don’t dislike it, but definitely comment. Any questions that you would like to see on future?
Right. And I will just throw out there too. Like I said, don’t overanalyze it, just get out there and do it. Just get out there and do it. Absolutely. So go to our inner, uh, go to our Twitter and Instagram. It’s at the little outside Tom Mann bunny. And I’m going to put this up on the screen right now. I think it’s Nope.
This one right there. So just Tom and bunny, as you see it is spelled out the bottom of the screen and subscribe and like us today. We’ll see you soon. See you soon.
Listen to our new Podcast! We can be found on the following sites as well as right here on ours!.
Are you looking to do something while Social Distancing? Check out these great sites where you can meet other Couples, Single Females and Single Men! Try all three for FREE and create a quality profile, upload photos and start making connections for after the pandemic! Just click on each image to get bonus free time that can only be applied through our link!
Kasidie the sexually social community – We use Kasidie all the time and our profile is TomandBunny on this site, Kasidie is nationwide and offers the feel of social media like Facebook with communities, forums, Profiles, Wall post and much more to list here. Join today and you will be automatically added to our TomandBunny Community on this awesome site! 30 days free access with no Credit Card needed. SDC is one of the Largest Match Maker websites for Swingers in the world and has a reach in many countries around the globe. Be sure to join our community “TomandBunny” when creating your profile on this website. to obtain your FREE 30 day access you MUST click this image. without clicking this image, SDC only offers 7 day trials.
SLS Swinglifestyle Free access No Credit Card Needed We have been on SwingLifestyle for many years, it’s very easy to navigate, nationwide, basic no frills profiles that list everything on a single screen with photo galleries and the ability to see a profiles certifications. Join today with no Credit Card needed with limited full access, the site is cost effective to open the full features and worth every penny.
Lifestyle Trends – How the Corona Pandemic is changing Swinging today. Today we discuss the trends of the swingers lifestyle and how our Consensual Non Monogamy in the swinging community are adapting to the social distancing ordered by most states.
We are seeing a rise in Facebook live with prominent DJ’s from many lifestyle clubs from around the nation have been keeping their members entertained to actual full on premise swinger clubs hosting virtual parties from happy hour mixers to full on themed events using social media and meeting websites that utilize audio and video for guest to meet in a social distanced environment.
For the first time in our Podcast, we make an unexpected phone call to one of the organizers of the brand new event that taking social media by storm Bobby from who has taken the small local mixers and taken the approach to a level that only him and his partnerships can handle and will be hosting the very first nation wide virtual swing party on an epic scale just as they do with their national lifestyle conventions. Listen and stay tuned for updates to this huge event as we will post any details we get first right here.
We will be hosting our very own room The Swingers Lifestyle, the room will be an open discussion where anyone can ask questions and others will be able to offer their personal opinions of what works for them in those situations. Remember, there is no right or wrong way for you to navigate the alternative sexual non monogamous lifestyle and hearing others views and opinions allow many to make choices that will best fit what will work for them.
We will be doing a follow up phone in podcast with Bobby next week for updates to this brand new exciting event.
Virtual Swing Party online swingers lifestyle event – Click this image to go to
We invite you to Follow and subscribe to our Social media to see our daily fun photos we post to our Instagram, Twitter , Facebook page and YouTube to bring a little smile to the people in our lives, click any of the links and follow us to automatically receive notifications when we post new photos!
Leave a comment below and tell us your thought on this subject, have you ever been with someone who was fresh out of the shower or have you been with someone that had the smell of funk all in their crotch area? we want to know! Post below.
what we do during a pandemic with Tom and Bunny
Are you looking to do something while Social Distancing? Check out these great sites where you can meet other Couples, Single Females and Single Men! Try all three for FREE and create a quality profile, upload photos and start making connections for after the pandemic! Just click on each image to get bonus free time that can only be applied through our link!
Kasidie the sexually social community – We use Kasidie all the time and our profile is TomandBunny on this site, Kasidie is nationwide and offers the feel of social media like Facebook with communities, forums, Profiles, Wall post and much more to list here. Join today and you will be automatically added to our TomandBunny Community on this awesome site! 30 days free access with no Credit Card needed. SDC is one of the Largest Match Maker websites for Swingers in the world and has a reach in many countries around the globe. Be sure to join our community “TomandBunny” when creating your profile on this website. To obtain your FREE 30 day access you MUST click this image. without clicking this image, SDC only offers 7 day trials.
SLS Swinglifestyle Free access No Credit Card Needed We have been on SwingLifestyle for many years, it’s very easy to navigate, nationwide, basic no frills profiles that list everything on a single screen with photo galleries and the ability to see a profiles certifications. Join today with no Credit Card needed with limited full access, the site is cost effective to open the full features and worth every penny.
Listen to our new Podcast! We can be found on the following sites as well as right here on ours!.
We are always asked about how we meet people or how they could meet us? Because of our openness about the swinging lifestyle and yes we are a couple that enjoys meeting other couples and select singles for friendships and fun! We do receive a lot of email messages and comments on our videos and post about wanting to meet us just to meet us to actual offers to play. We created this page to help people meet us for the possibilities of play and some hints on how to get our attention, and others.
We are on all the major sites listed below, ( Kasidie, SDC & SLS ) we are on many others but we are mainly active on these three as we have found them to be the best for our needs.
If you are on any of these sites already, you can send us an email to our profile and we are listed as TomandBunny on all three sites.
If not a member on any of the sites, you can join them all for FREE with no credit card required. OnKasidie, they offer us 90 days free and SDC and SLS30 days free, these are not bait sites but actual real sites that we use for our personal lifestyle experience. Each site offers their own unique features and we suggest joining them all. One site may have a better following in one location over another, so not all sites would work depending on your location. We found benefits using all three during our travels.
Description of you as a couple or single lady or single male: Take a minute and complete a quality description. Tell a story about you, as a couple, single lady or single male. Describe to the reader who they would meet in person, you do not have to go overboard. Avoid a one line description such as “We are a hot couple, looking for other hot couples”. We like substance in the people we plan to meet, and because we have not met you, we would want to feel we have some connection when we do meet in person.
Some suggestions, describe each of you individually with as much detail to give the reader a mental visualization of you. IE: hair color and length, eye color, body type, sense of humor or lack of. When describing yourselves you don’t have to be vulgar or tell the world how amazing you are at oral or sexual positions. Its good idea to tell people what you like to do or what you would like to try. You should comment your level of play you are comfortable with, such as are you Straight, Bi sexual, Bi Curious, open to all possibilities but undecided on your sexuality. You should also include some personal activities as many others may be attracted to someone they have something in common with, IE: Do you ride motorcycles, do you go boating, camping, sing karaoke etc…
What are you looking for: Our biggest suggestion is keeping this area all positives and no negatives. You can list what you don’t want without being rude about it. You don’t have to go overboard on this section, the more you add the more you will exclude, if that makes any sense. it’s like a search, the more you put in the less results come up. If you are looking for Couples only this would be a good place to put that. You don’t have to scream that “If we want a single male we will contact you”, if they email you, you can just delete the email. No need to make your profile rude and you shouldn’t fault people for at least reaching out. While you may not be into something today, doesn’t mean tomorrow you may change your mind, that is the beauty of swinging.
Suggestions of what you should list and what you are looking for. IE: If you are very specific and only want fit couples, list that as requirement, however if you are open to all body types, you should mention that so people will know. If you don’t want people who smoke you should mention that, if you don’t care if they smoke or not, there is no reason to mention that.
We personally are attracted to profiles that can articulate what they want without sounding negative to those who they are not interested in, meaning, we prefer nice and positive people. some will say they are being direct, we say there is a huge difference between being direct and just being rude.
Contacting us on sites: When emailing us, it is best to tell us something other than just a one word email IE: “Hello” or “Hey” or “Hi“. Tell us what brought you to email us. What was it in our profile that specifically made you feel you had a connection, was it our photos, was it something in our profile description, maybe what we were looking for, or was it something we listed that we enjoyed that caught your eye? We, like many others, like compliments. We want to know that someone actually took the time to read our profile, looked at our photos and genuinely had an attraction to us as a couple, not just one of us. When we email people we always tell them why we are contacting them, but we also list some things in their profile that we found exciting so they know we read their profile, and we always end our email with a question that they can respond to.
Here is our list that we look at when we receive an email:
Did the email introduce themselves and ask questions we could respond to?
Is the profile a Couple, Single Female or Single male?
Does the profile have any photos?
If a couple, are there photos of both the male and female posted?
If they have photos, what is the quality of photos, how old are the photos?
Do they have faces? if not do they have private photos?
Did they open their private photos when they initially emailed us?
We read the full description and what they are looking for in others
Does the description and seeking appear to be what we would be looking for?
We will look at the profile location and ages of the couple or single
If available we look at the age of the profile, how long have they been on the site
We will look for certification of the profile and compare to the date of the profile
We will look at the dates of the certification, are they old or recent
We actually read the certifications and look at the profiles of those who certified
Follow up on what we look for: We put our face photos on all our profiles and we do have private photos that we do share with profiles that we have an attraction to. We understand that not everyone can or feels comfortable putting their faces on their profile, we do expect to actually see the couple that we will be emailing with. We suggest putting your non face photos in the public or verified photo gallery and your faces in the private gallery. We would expect people who do not have publicly visible face photos to open their privates without us asking them to. Some express they wanted to see if we had an attraction on their profile before opening their private photos, the answer is no, without seeing your entire profile, we do not. You can have all the body photos in the world, we are attracted to warm smiles and pleasant looks. We only share our private photos with people we actually plan to meet, our face and body photos are all visible to everyone already. We prefer to see G-Rated photos, and we enjoy seeing nudes of the people we plan to play with, but we don’t have to see nudes on the initial email. We upload quality photos, so we expect with the technology of the phones and cameras today, there is no reason for grainy or low quality photos. We feel that they are hiding something or they are very old photos from old technology and we have to question, what do they look like today.
We meet people based on both physical and mental attractions: We understand people may use different names in the lifestyle, fudge their ages and weights etc.. we don’t care. It’s about physical and mental attractions, that is why we require photos for the physical and a well written profile for the mental. A good example is we know couples in their mid to late 60’s that look like they are in their 30’s and 40’s and we know couples in their 30’s and 40’s that look in their 60’s. We never go by ages or weights, if we look at a couple and say ” We wouldn’t kick them out of bed for eating crackers “, we have an attraction.
Become certified: Remember, there are a lot of fakes, flakes and catfish on the internet, use your best judgement. We look for certifications to help us make a decision. However, we don’t view certifications from the website as a “real” certification, we honestly hate those because anyone can hold a sign with their screen name and date and get certified. We want to see that the profile actually met another profile or went to a club / event. We at least know the profile actually met someone physically and in person.
We suggest what you should not include in your profile:
Repeating NO SINGLE MALES throughout your profile.
Boosting how awesome you are at oral skills, everyone is a master oral manipulator.
Make the reader feel insecure about their abilities because you boost yours (IE: I will make your wife cum like never before)
That you are Shy, everybody is shy when meeting someone new, it shows lack of confidence.
Putting NO DRAMA or DRAMA FREE, these profiles are typically the drama
Listing as a couple but are single, if you were a couple and no longer, change your profile.
being too politically correct, IE: if you require condoms, put that, if your don’t, don’t add it and try to play without them. people don’t like liars.
Politics, leave the politics or views at home. If you are just so dead set you can’t play with someone with opposing views, list it. (Still sounds like a negative)
Negatives, your profile should be 100% positive, the reader will see your negativity as a reason not to contact you or reply to your emails.
We do not use KIK: To finish up, we get a lot of emails that tell us that the profile doesn’t post photos but to chat them on KIK and they will send photos on there. We honestly do not use KIK. If a profile chooses not to upload photos to the sites listed below, we wouldn’t be interested in going out of our way to communicate in another spectrum just to get photos.
In conclusion: We hope we gave you an honest view on how we view other profiles and how we engage with others on matchmaker websites. and our opinion as to how others would also treat other profiles contacting them.
We do receive our share of emails and we appreciate it. To be up front, we do not feel because we have a profile and someone emails us we are required to respond.
Single men. We mainly look to meet with couples. Please feel free to email us on these sites, we do keep an open mind and our options open. We would be very picky on who we allow as a single male into our personal lifestyle, but know that your profile needs to be really appealing with full photos of you and your face for us to respond and that your email and profile is respectful. we only reply to emails that we feel we would be a match, and if we do reply to your email, that doesn’t mean that we are a sure thing, it just means your profile peaked our curiosity. Note: Tom is not a cuckold and we have no intention of someone wanting to dominate either one of us.
Just click on each image to get bonus free time that can only be applied through our link!
Kasidie the sexually social community – We use Kasidie all the time and our profile is TomandBunny on this site, Kasidie is nationwide and offers the feel of social media like Facebook with communities, forums, Profiles, Wall post and much more to list here. Join today and you will be automatically added to our TomandBunny Community on this awesome site! 30 days free access with no Credit Card needed. SDC is one of the Largest Match Maker websites for Swingers in the world and has a reach in many countries around the globe. Be sure to join our community “TomandBunny” when creating your profile on this website. To obtain your FREE 30 day access you MUST click this image. without clicking this image, SDC only offers 7 day trials.
SLS Swinglifestyle 30 day Free access No Credit Card Needed We have been on SwingLifestyle for many years, it’s very easy to navigate, nationwide, basic no frills profiles that list everything on a single screen with photo galleries and the ability to see a profiles certifications. Join today with no Credit Card needed with limited full access, the site is cost effective to open the full features and worth every penny.
Are you looking to do something while Social Distancing? Check out these great sites where you can meet other Couples, Single Females and Single Men! Try all three for FREE and create a quality profile, upload photos and start making connections for after the pandemic! Just click on each image to get bonus free time that can only be applied through our link!
Note: the below list is our recommendations of the websites we are active on and can be found under the profile TomandBunny on each site. We invite you to check out ALL three websites with no obligation and no credit card needed and these are all legitimate websites and not bait and switch like many out there. We have currently been active members and meet people equally among all the sites depending on the areas we will be visiting in our travels.
One site may be your site of choice due to the amount of population of profiles on a given website as each website holds a a dominance in specific regions. The sites are not listed in any specific order except that they offer additional FREE time before you must become a paid member to continue, however we have found many will continue with the site they feel the most comfortable with and the more details in your description, what you are looking for and good quality photos are essential for your best results in making connections with people.
Feel free to contact us on any or all the sites under our profile TomandBunny and we will be happy to look over your profile and offer our advice to creating the best profile for the most exposure and engagement with others. We do not certify people we have not personally met, however some sites offer various ways to become certified. if we have met you , please let us know where we met you and if we do remember you we will be happy to provide a certification letting others know your profile is real.
We find communication with other like minded couples and singles gets us through this pandemic and wanted to suggest you try this while you are self distancing and who knows, you may make connections to meet up after this is all over!
Kasidie the sexually social community – We use Kasidie all the time and our profile is TomandBunny on this site, Kasidie is nationwide and offers the feel of social media like Facebook with communities, forums, Profiles, Wall post and much more to list here. Join today and you will be automatically added to our TomandBunny Community on this awesome site! We have been members of Kasidie from January 2008 30 days free access with no Credit Card needed. SDC is one of the Largest Match Maker websites for Swingers in the world and has a reach in many countries around the globe. Be sure to join our community “TomandBunny” when creating your profile on this website. to obtain your FREE 30 day access you MUST click this image. without clicking this image, SDC only offers 7 day trials. We have been members of SDC since June 2009
SLS Swinglifestyle Free access No Credit Card Needed We have been on SwingLifestyle for many years, it’s very easy to navigate, nationwide, basic no frills profiles that list everything on a single screen with photo galleries and the ability to see a profiles certifications. Join today with no Credit Card needed with limited full access, the site is cost effective to open the full features and worth every penny. We have been members of SwingLifestyle since June 2002.
We do stupid and fun stuff and take photos to prove it! On a serious note, we are taking this pandemic very serious and we are doing everything possible to keep ourselves safe regardless if this is a hoax or real, there is absolutely no reason not to be prepared because regardless, when the government steps in and declares marshal law or some other legal sounding name, you won’t be able to leave your house. so to those that will comment that we are not taking this serious, we are, but we all deal with things in our own way, ours is we will maintain our sense of humor during this stressful time. See our updated video (April 7th, 2020) below to see how we are dealing with the pandemic.
Are you looking to do something while Social Distancing? Check out these great sites where you can meet other Couples, Single Females and Single Men! Try all three for FREE and create a quality profile, upload photos and start making connections for after the pandemic! Just click on each image to get bonus free time that can only be applied through our link!
Kasidie the sexually social community – We use Kasidie all the time and our profile is TomandBunny on this site, Kasidie is nationwide and offers the feel of social media like Facebook with communities, forums, Profiles, Wall post and much more to list here. Join today and you will be automatically added to our TomandBunny Community on this awesome site! 30 days free access with no Credit Card needed. SDC is one of the Largest Match Maker websites for Swingers in the world and has a reach in many countries around the globe. Be sure to join our community “TomandBunny” when creating your profile on this website. to obtain your FREE 30 day access you MUST click this image. without clicking this image, SDC only offers 7 day trials.
SLS Swinglifestyle Free access No Credit Card Needed We have been on SwingLifestyle for many years, it’s very easy to navigate, nationwide, basic no frills profiles that list everything on a single screen with photo galleries and the ability to see a profiles certifications. Join today with no Credit Card needed with limited full access, the site is cost effective to open the full features and worth every penny.
Day 1 – What do we do during a Pandemic – Guard our toilet paper
Day 2 – What do we do during a Pandemic – Don’t Breath on us!
Day 2 – What do we do during a Pandemic – I Said Don’t Breath on Me!
Day 3 – What do we do during a Pandemic – Build a fort
Day 4 – What do we do during a Pandemic? Pillow Fights!
Day 5 – What do we do during a Pandemic – Golf cart vs Lawn Tractor races
Day 6 – What do we do during a Pandemic – Getting Healthy
Day 7 – What do we do during a Pandemic – Sexy Redneck Photo Shoot 1
Day 7 – What do we do during a Pandemic – Sexy Redneck Photo Shoot 2
Day 7 – What do we do during a Pandemic – Sexy Redneck Photo Shoot 3
Day 8 – What do we do during a Pandemic – Pray for America So we have been posting fun and stupid images to keep everyone’s spirits up, watching what is happening in NYC and around the world we took today and wanted to Pray for America and to everyone who is effected by this epidemic and we know it will get better and we ask everyone to take a minute and pray for a cure. Sending Prayers, well wishes and love to everyone. Tom and Bunny
Day 9 – What do we do during a Pandemic – Play on the trains
Day 10 – What do we do during a Pandemic? Self Reflection With not knowing what is going to happen, where the world will be and how long this will last, it’s a good time to reflect on where you have been, where you currently are and where you want to be! This will end but life won’t and we are hopeful for a bright future, this all seems to be slowing down and they are finding ways to combat this everyday with new medical treatments. Please continue to Self distance to keep the spread down and we are thinking of all of you. Lots of love. – Tom and Bunny
Day 11 – What do we do during a Pandemic – Haulin Ass
Day 12 – What do we do during a Pandemic – Wind Therapy
Day 13 – What do we do during a Pandemic – GOOD vs EVIL
Day 13 – What do we do during a Pandemic? Super Bunny Prevails! Super Bunny with her intimate knowledge and constant practice and use of her device was able to overtake Riddler Tom with his lack of knowledge on the proper technique use of his device. Remember, practice practice practice to become efficient in the use of your personal devices.
Day 14 – What do we do during a Pandemic – Hunting Butterflies
Day 15 – What do we do during a Pandemic – Alabama Haircut
Day 16 – What do we do during a Pandemic – Pajama Party
Day 17 – What do we do during a Pandemic – Facebook and Chill
Day 18 – What do we do during a Pandemic – Podcasting
Day 19 – What do we do during a Pandemic -Making videos
Day 20 – What do we do during a Pandemic -Conspiracy Theories
Day 21 – What do we do during a Pandemic -Play Hide n Seek
Day 22 – What do we do during a Pandemic -Blowing Bubbles
Day 23 – What do we do during a Pandemic -Recreate our first kiss The date was April 7, 1985, when Band Geek Bunny and Heavy Metal Tom went out on our first date. Bunny was one week shy of 17 and had her own car. Tom had just moved to Arizona from California and did not have a car or license. We decided to go to the Drive in and of course Bunny was the driver! After our first kiss Tom pulled away and licked Bunny right up the side of the face. Then told her he was a freak, and this is how our crazy life started!
Day 24 – What do we do during a Pandemic – MotorBunny Rodeo
Day 25 – What do we do during a Pandemic – Who wore it better
Day 26 – What do we do during a Pandemic – Couples Mask
Day 27 – What do we do during a Pandemic – Happy Easter
Day 28 – What do we do during a Pandemic – Who wore it better 2
Day 29 – What do we do during a Pandemic – Celebrate Bunny’s Birthday
Day 30 – What do we do during a Pandemic – Daily Walks
Day 31 – What do we do during a Pandemic – Naughty Royalty
Crowned King and Queen in 2016 at Naughty in Nawlins Swingers Convention Some of you may not know this, in 2016 we were crowned King and Queen of the largest swingers convention Naughty in Nawlins and it is one of our most memorable moments in our lives. we had no clue that were about to be awarded such an honor and title! These were the clothes we wore when we gave up the crown in 2017 and was one of the best nights. Tom’s costume is an authentic hand made Mardi Gras costume from the 1950’s and is so delicate. we purchased it from an antique store in the french quarter, paid a lot for it but well worth it!
If you see the Red ducks behind bunny, they throw only so many out to the audience and we manage to have one for every year! We love Naughty in Nawlins and it is the one convention we do not miss and hoping that we don’t miss it in 2020!
Day 32 – What do we do during a Pandemic – SEXY CHEERLEADERS
Day 33 – What do we do during a Pandemic? – Alabama Pedicure! with all the hair and nail salons closed, we gotta do what we gonna do!
Day 34 – What do we do during a Pandemic – Alabama Waxing
Day 35 – What do we do during a Pandemic – Alabama Shopping
Day 36 – What do we do during a Pandemic – Having Sex
Day 40 – What do we do during a Pandemic – Virtual Swing Party
Day 44 – What do we do during a Pandemic – Create live Streaming
Are you looking to do something while Social Distancing? Check out these great sites where you can meet other Couples, Single Females and Single Men! Try all three for FREE and create a quality profile, upload photos and start making connections for after the pandemic! Just click on each image to get bonus free time that can only be applied through our link!
Kasidie the sexually social community – We use Kasidie all the time and our profile is TomandBunny on this site, Kasidie is nationwide and offers the feel of social media like Facebook with communities, forums, Profiles, Wall post and much more to list here. Join today and you will be automatically added to our TomandBunny Community on this awesome site! 30 days free access with no Credit Card needed. SDC is one of the Largest Match Maker websites for Swingers in the world and has a reach in many countries around the globe. Be sure to join our community “TomandBunny” when creating your profile on this website. to obtain your FREE 30 day access you MUST click this image. without clicking this image, SDC only offers 7 day trials.
SLS Swinglifestyle Free access No Credit Card Needed We have been on SwingLifestyle for many years, it’s very easy to navigate, nationwide, basic no frills profiles that list everything on a single screen with photo galleries and the ability to see a profiles certifications. Join today with no Credit Card needed with limited full access, the site is cost effective to open the full features and worth every penny.
We discuss Websites for Swingers and Meeting people from those websites! We are actively in the Sex Positive consensual non monogamy swingers lifestyle and we use sites like Kasidie, SLS, SDC to meet people and in this podcast we discuss how we meet people, complete our profiles and our opinions on how we deal with other people and how they do not put any effort or time into their profiles as well as our suggestions how to meet people and avoid Fake and Flaky profiles.
Leave a comment below and tell us your thought on this subject, have you ever been with someone who was fresh out of the shower or have you been with someone that had the smell of funk all in their crotch area? we want to know! Post below.
Meeting Couples and Singles on Swinger Matchmaker Websites! In this episode we discuss our opinions on making the best use of Matchmaker websites like Kasidie, SwingLifestyle and SDC from setting up quality profiles and photos to what to look for on other profiles as possible red flags to avoid fakes and flakes in the swinging lifestyle
Leave a comment below and tell us your thought on this subject, have you ever been with someone who was fresh out of the shower or have you been with someone that had the smell of funk all in their crotch area? we want to know! Post below.