Tag Archives: Single Men

Tips for the Single Men in the Pineapple Lifestyle with Tom and Bunny

Tips for the Single Men in the Pineapple Lifestyle with Tom and Bunny

On this week’s podcast, brought to you by Tom and Bunny, we discuss the Single male in the Consensual Monogamous Lifestyle and offer advice and suggestions on how to be successful as a single in the swingers lifestyle

It’s a fun, open conversation, and we want to bring you along for the ride. Whether you’re curious, experienced, or just looking to learn, there’s something for everyone!

🎧 Listen now and enjoy the show!

Stay tuned for more updates, and we hope to see you in the group soon!

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#TomandBunny #TomsTrips #partnersID #ConsensualNonMonogamy #SwingersLifestyle #UpsideDownPineapple #Polyamory #NonMonogamy #Threesomes #Exhibitionism #SoftPlay #FullSwap #OpenRelationships #TomAndBunnyPodcast #ExploreYourCuriosity #SexPositive #PodcastLife #RelationshipDynamics

Single men in the Swinging Lifestyle by Tom and Bunny


We discuss single men in the swinging lifestyle from our perspective.  Please comment below your thoughts!

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Single Male Took our Advice

A single male who took our advice is thriving in the swinging lifestyle

We recently attended Club Trapeze in Atlanta GA and we were approached by a very nice, well groomed and well spoken younger single male who wanted to thank us for a video we had done on our YouTube channel about Swinging with the Single male, he wanted to let us know he followed all of our advice and has so much success it’s almost unreal.  Listen to our podcast and we will put the video below.

we welcome your feedback and opinions below at the bottom of our page.

Toms Trips Adult Lifestyle Travel to Swinger Resorts
Book your next trip with us 800-285-0853 Option #2 Ext #3 for Bunny

Like us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SwingwithTomandBunny

Follow us on Twitter @TomandBunny http://www.twitter.com/TomandBunny

Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/tomandbunny/

Start meeting Couples and Singles today!




Listen to our new Podcast!  We can be found on the following sites as well as right here on ours!

Spotify Podcast for Swinging Lifestyle Itunes Podcast for Swinging Lifestyle

Check out these great links!  Click on each one to learn more about them.

Tips for the Single Male

TIPS for the Single Male in the Swinging Lifestyle with TomandBunny

TIPS for the Single Male in the Swinging Lifestyle with TomandBunny

We were asked to do a video on Tips for the Single Male and how to know when you are not wanted by a female or a couple in the swinging lifestyle at an event or party.

This is just our take and our opinions and what has worked for us and what we have heard from others.  you may agree or disagree but hopefully you will get a kick out of our podcast!

we welcome your feedback and opinions below at the bottom of our page.

Toms Trips Adult Lifestyle Travel to Swinger Resorts
Book your next trip with us 800-285-0853 Option #2 Ext #3 for Bunny

Like us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SwingwithTomandBunny

Follow us on Twitter @TomandBunny http://www.twitter.com/TomandBunny

Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/tomandbunny/

Start meeting Couples and Singles today!




Listen to our new Podcast!  We can be found on the following sites as well as right here on ours!

Spotify Podcast for Swinging Lifestyle Itunes Podcast for Swinging Lifestyle

Check out these great links!  Click on each one to learn more about them.