Tag Archives: Swinger

Its expensive to be a swinger


We constantly hear how people should support the lifestyle and do FREE parties and Meet n Greets etc..  The plain and simple fact is, its expensive to be a swinger!.  Please comment below your thoughts!

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Travel with us to resorts all over the world! TomsTrips.com
Book your next trip with Bunny by calling 800-285-0853 Option 2 Ext. 3

The meaning of the upside down pineapple


In this video we discuss the meaning about the Upside down Pineapple and the Swingers community.  Please comment below your thoughts!

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Travel with us to resorts all over the world! TomsTrips.com
Book your next trip with Bunny by calling 800-285-0853 Option 2 Ext. 3

What its like to go to a lifestyle club


If you have never been to a Swingers Lifestyle Club, in this video we discuss what you can expect to see when you attend your first party.  Please comment below your thoughts!

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Travel with us to resorts all over the world! TomsTrips.com
Book your next trip with Bunny by calling 800-285-0853 Option 2 Ext. 3

What to expect going to a lifestyle club


If you have never been to a Swingers Lifestyle Club, in this video we discuss what you can expect to see when you attend your first party.  Please comment below your thoughts!

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Travel with us to resorts all over the world! TomsTrips.com
Book your next trip with Bunny by calling 800-285-0853 Option 2 Ext. 3

Join us for Sunny Buns at Hedonism

Sunny Buns Oct 5 – 12 2019
Join #tomstrips , #TomandBunny & Mark Maze at #Hedonism for this exciting and erotic event in #Jamaica! Click link for more information!

Sunny Buns – Sept 28 to Oct 5, 2024

#nudist #naked #adulttravel #swinger #lifestyle #VacationNaked #podcast #ASNMG

Should you out yourself as a swinger

Should you out yourself as a swinger

Today we discuss about coming out to friends and family that you are in the swinging lifestyle.  We give our opinions and thoughts on on this very touchy subject.  Comment on our website about your personal experiences on coming out to friends and family

we welcome your feedback and opinions below at the bottom of our page.Toms Trips Adult Lifestyle Travel to Swinger Resorts
Book your next trip with us 800-285-0853 Option #2 Ext #3 for Bunny

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Start meeting Couples and Singles today!




Listen to our new Podcast!  We can be found on the following sites as well as right here on ours!

Spotify Podcast for Swinging Lifestyle Itunes Podcast for Swinging Lifestyle

Check out these great links!  Click on each one to learn more about them.

How to get out of a conversation at a Lifestyle event

Today we discuss how to get out of a conversation at a Lifestyle event!  Many of you know that being trapped in an unwanted conversation is hard enough and you don’t want to be rude, listen to our podcast for our suggestions

we welcome your feedback and opinions below at the bottom of our page.

Toms Trips Adult Lifestyle Travel to Swinger Resorts
Book your next trip with us 800-285-0853 Option #2 Ext #3 for Bunny

Like us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SwingwithTomandBunny

Follow us on Twitter @TomandBunny http://www.twitter.com/TomandBunny

Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/tomandbunny/

Start meeting Couples and Singles today!




Listen to our new Podcast!  We can be found on the following sites as well as right here on ours!

Spotify Podcast for Swinging Lifestyle Itunes Podcast for Swinging Lifestyle

Check out these great links!  Click on each one to learn more about them.

Dress for Sexcess

How to dress in the Swinging Lifestyle

Today we discuss how to dress in the Swinging Lifestyle.  Remember, these are only our personal opinions.

we welcome your feedback and opinions below at the bottom of our page.

Toms Trips Adult Lifestyle Travel to Swinger Resorts
Book your next trip with us 800-285-0853 Option #2 Ext #3 for Bunny

Like us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SwingwithTomandBunny

Follow us on Twitter @TomandBunny http://www.twitter.com/TomandBunny

Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/tomandbunny/

Start meeting Couples and Singles today!




Listen to our new Podcast!  We can be found on the following sites as well as right here on ours!

Spotify Podcast for Swinging Lifestyle Itunes Podcast for Swinging Lifestyle

Check out these great links!  Click on each one to learn more about them.

How do you deal with Rejection

Dear Tom and Bunny
We have been fans for a while and we watch all of your videos because not only do we find them informative but the way you both interact is entertaining and wanted to thank you for doing them. We have recently started going to clubs and we have not approached anyone because, honestly we are afraid of being rejected. We went back through your videos but we don’t recall anything be about how to handle rejection, but we do have a personal question for you both. Have you two personally been rejected? and if so, how did you handle it? Can you still be friends with someone who rejected you? T & P

Dear T&P,
Thank you for watching our videos, we enjoy doing them and we are glad you find our interaction entertaining. To answer your question, Yes we have been rejected many times, it’s just how the lifestyle is. Does it hurt our feelings? to be honest, yes it does, but we also know we are not going to be someone else cup of tea. There are so many variations when two couples meet up, so many that we say there is a 75% chance nothing will happen because it only takes one to say no. From our personal experience and we will assume many are like us, not all but many. We obviously look for a physical attraction with potential playmates and if we don’t have a physical attraction we will see if a mental attraction develops because honestly, more times than not for us, people we have played with from a physical attraction wasn’t as good as playing with someone who we have developed a mental attraction with. if we have either of those two and we feel the other couple is feeling something like we are, we might step up and ask if they are interested in taking things further and we know that’s a bold step because we are opening a door to rejection and we all know that never feels good. If we are rejected, we won’t lie, we go into a fetus position and cry it out for a while, maybe even kick and screen and whine wondering what was wrong with us! OK, we lied, we don’t do any of that, but we do understand that if you don’t ask you won’t know and if you wait for the other couple to ask, they may never ask themselves and at least we know where we stand. Can we be friends with people who have rejected us? Absolutely we can, this lifestyle is a small community and we are here to meet people, chances are high that because one couple rejected you or should we say not interested in playing with you, doesn’t mean they can’t be friends with you and even better, know someone you may be more compatible with that you yourself find just as attractive either or both physically or mentally. There is currently a lot of topics we are seeing about rejection and how people handle it, everyone handles it differently however those who can take those rejections and grow from them will have a lot more fun in the swinging lifestyle.

Tom and Bunny

Drama within the Lifestyle

Bunny’s Rant

This is a sore subject. Most everyone will experience some sort of drama in their lifetime. Why bring it into your swinging lifestyle?

As former club managers we had to deal with all types of people and issues. Sometimes it is not an easy task. There is always going to be groups of people. This all started back in elementary school and proceeds into adult life. You have your cool kids, the jocks, the nerds, the bullies etc. We all know this and yet, we seem to bring it into our adult life.  And yes, it carries into the Swing Clubs, Meet and Greets, Vacations, Websites and it seems like the worst of it is on Social Media.  Try not to stick with just one group of people. Venture out of your comfort zone and go meet all the people you can no matter who they are. You never know, you could always end up really liking the band geek flute player.

We all have issues in our lives that we deal with on a daily basis and we want to go out on the weekends to have fun and escape the daily grind of our home and work life. Everyone likes to cut loose, dance, and have a great time. And a lot of us who are swingers like to meet and play with other like minded individuals. What everyone needs to remember is that we were all born the same way. No one is better than the other. It does not matter who you associate with, how much money you have or what body type you have. Were all in this for the same thing: To have fun and meet great people.

If you hear something from someone keep it to yourself, it may or may not be true. Wherever there is a gathering place with people there will always be rumors.  But, that is where the issue should stop.  Our advice is to go out, have fun, let all negativity roll off of you,  don’t take sides and meet at least 3 new couples a night.  This will make your lifestyle experience better for you and all you choose to meet.